here to help

  • resolve conflict

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  • fight homelessness

  • settle differences

  • create parenting plans

NCRC Helps People Resolve Disputes Quickly, Safely, and Effectively Outside of a Courtroom.

About Us

Community Impact

578 Mediations Completed

1,156 Households and Businesses Stabilized

$2.89 Million Tax Dollars Saved

Who We Serve

1,463 Individuals

13 Counties in Middle Tennessee

155 Different Zip Codes

What We Do

We believe in mediation as a first-choice method for resolving disputes quickly, fairly, and in a manner that allows participants to control the outcome. It is always worth mediating before appearing in front of a judge, especially for people who cannot afford attorneys.

A mediator helps people communicate safely and respectfully, so they are able to identify important needs and interests and develop lasting solutions. If they reach agreement, they can avoid the time, cost, and stress of litigating publicly in front of a judge.

Parenting Mediation

Establish parenting agreements that provide stability to parents and caregivers, while protecting children from conflict.

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Identify and collaborate on what is needed to repair the harms that occurred in a safe, facilitated environment.

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Civil Mediation

Create settlement agreements, such as landlord-tenant disputes, that satisfies the needs of all parties, avoiding the time and cost of court.

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Our mediator helped us shift our mindset so we could work on ways to pay off the debt together. We were able to set aside our differences and compromise to reach a settlement without the need for a court ruling.

Civil Mediation Participant

How You Can Help


Your donation provides access to community mediation services, stabilizing families, housing, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

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Volunteer mediators are essential to keeping mediation free and accessible for all.

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Train to become a mediator or attend a virtual Lunch and Learn to improve your mediation skills. To learn more about trainings, click here.

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